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Protecting Your Dog Against Ticks!

Ticks are a huge problem amongst dogs in Spring and Summer, so today we have teamed up with The Big Tick Project to give you some tips about how to keep your pup safe! Also, we are giving away two tickets to Dog Fest - read until the end to find out how you can win them!

First up - the threats of Ticks. They may just seem like another annoying pest to some, but Ticks carry many diseases such as Lyme Disease, Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and the Louping ill virus. These can be deadly if the infection is not treated accordingly. This is why it's so important for both you and your dog to be aware of Ticks and the dangers. I protect Rio from Ticks because it's the responsible and safe thing to do. It's simple, if you love and care from your dog then they need to be protected from Ticks along with mites, fleas, ringworm and many other parasites. 

Secondly - how to protect against Ticks. Many of the options available require a prescription from your veterinary surgeon. These options include topicals (typically applied every 4 weeks), sprays, collars and oral chewable formulations, some of which can give up to 12 weeks of protection. Have a chat with your vet to see which will work best for you. Groom your dog regularly to check for infestations and if you do come across any, consult with your vet. Don't feel bad though, Ticks are extremely common and can be found on most dog walks. 

Finally - what if you find a Tick? Be careful, it may be painful and swollen. "The ideal device for tick removal is a specially designed hook with a narrow slot, which needs to be slid with care under the tick at skin level so as to grip the tick." 

These can be bought online of at any pet shop or veterinary practise.

"Secure the hook in place around the mouthparts of the tick, ensuring that it is not entangled in the hair. The hook is then rotated around its axis several times until the attachment is freed. The loose tick will then be easily detached and removed without putting either the tick or skin under tension.

"When attempting to remove a tick, avoid handling the parasite directly without gloves – remember ticks carry unpleasant infections!"

Afterwards, I clean with an antibacterial wipe and coat in Aloe Vera!

However, if you are not experienced or trained, I would always advocate going to a vet to remove it as it could cause an infection. 

So to sum up, Ticks are a growing threat and we as dog owners need to be prepared and know the risks. For more information, see The Big Tick Project's website ! To keep up to date with the project you can follow them on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram.

Lots of love,

Chloe & Rio Xx

Ps; to win tickets to Dog Fest 2017  just take a look at Rio's Instagram (@riothebc) and follow the rules mentioned in the post! Good luck🐾

Text in quotation marks was sourced directly from The Big Tick Project's website. 

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